Referencias básicas Sistemática Biogeografía Ecología Evolutiva
Sistemática Aquí ofrecemos varias listas de referencias: Literatura Reciente sobre Filogenética
(Lista dinámica de referencias con acceso a resúmenes en linea) Bibliografía
(compilación para articulo de revisión) Lecturas para el curso de Teoría y Métodos Cladísticos. 2009
(Artículos recomendados como lectura semanal para el curso) The Phylogeny Toolbox
(This bibliography gives you an entry to phylogeny, its philosophical background, techniques, and applications. Note it is biased towards cladisitics, English language and US schools of thought. There is ample literature in German and French, as well. '*' indicates personal favourites) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lecturas Básicas (referencias recomendadas para el curso: Sistemática Filogenética, 2003. Profesores: Dr. Efraín De Luna, Dra. Dolores González) Sección 1: Bases teóricas de la sistemática Filosofía y Sistemática 1. Lundberg, J.G. and L.A. McDade. 1990. Systematics. In: Methods for Fish Biology. pp. 65-107. 2. De Luna, E. 1995. Bases filosóficas de los análisis cladísticos para la investigación taxonómica. Acta Botánica Mexicana 33: 63-79. (92 kb) 3. Sober, E. 1993. Systematics. In: E. Sober (ed.). Philosophy of Biology. Oxford University Press, pp. 143-183. 4. Farris, J.S. 1983. The Logical Basis of Phylogenetic Analysis. Advances in Cladistics 2: 7-35. 5. Sober, E. 1983. Parsimony in Systematics: Philosophical Issues. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 14: 335-357. 6. De Luna, E. 1996. Epistemología de la Investigación Taxonómica: Inferencias Filogenéticas y su Evaluación. Bol. Soc. Bot. México 58: 43-53.
Sección 2: Análisis de Caracteres Homología y caracteres taxonómicos 7. Roth, V.L. 1988. The Biological Basis of Homology. In: C. J. Humpries (ed.). Ontogeny and Systematics. Columbia University Press, New York. pp. 1-26. 8. de Pinna, M.C. 1991. Concepts and tests of Homology in the Cladistic Paradigm. Cladistics 7: 367-394. 9. De Luna, E. and B.D. Mishler. 1996. El concepto de Homología Filogenética y la selección de caracteres taxonómicos. Bol. Soc. Bot. México 59: 131-146. (3928 kb) 10. Hawkings, J. , C.E. Huges and R.W. Scotland. 1997. Primary Homology Assessment, Characters and Character States. Cladistics 13: 275-283. Variación de caracteres morfológicos y moleculares 11. Reyment, R.A. 1969. Biometrical Techniques in Systematics. In: C. G. Sibley (ed.). Systematic Biology. Proceedings of an International Conference. Natl. Acad. Sc. Publ., pp. 542-594. 12. Gift, N. and P.F. Stevens. 1997. Vagaries in the delimitation of character states in quantitative variation- an experimental study. Syst. Biol. 46: 112-125. 13. Guerrero, J. A., E. De Luna and C. Sanchez. 2003. Morphometrics in the quantification of character state identity for the assessment of primary homology: an analysis of character variation of the genus Artibeus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 80: 45-55. (149 kb) 14. González, D. 1998. Marcadores moleculares para los estudios comparativos de la variación en Ecología y Sistemática. Revista Mexicana de Micología 14: 1-21. 15. 16. González, D. 1997. El uso de secuencias génicas para estudios taxonómicos. Bol. Soc. Bot. México 17. Hillis, D. M. and J. J. Wiens. 2000. Molecules vs. morphology in systematics. In: J. J. Wiens (ed.). Phylogenetic analysis of morphological data. Smithsonian Institution Press, pp. 1-19. 18. Doyle, J.J. 1993. DNA, Phylogeny, and the Flowering of Plant Systematics. BioScience 43: 380-389. 19. Pimentel, R.A. and R. Riggins. 1987. The Nature of Cladistic data. Cladistics 3: 201-209. 20. Mabee, P.M. 1989. Assumptions Underlying the Use of Ontogenetic Sequences for Determining Character State Order. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 118: 151-158. 20. Platnick. 1991. On missing entries in cladistic analyses. Cladistics 7: 337-343. 21. Kornet, D.J. and H. Turner. 1999. Coding Polimorphism for Phylogeny Reconstruction. Syst. Biol. 48: 365-379. Polaridad 22. Kluge, A.G. 1985. Ontogeny and Phylogenetic Systematics. Cladistics 1: 13-27. 23. Nixon, K.C. and J.M. Carpenter. 1993. On Outgroups. Cladistics 9: 413-426. 24. Keller P., R.A. 1998. ¿Para qué nos sirve el método de Grupo Externo en los análisis cladísticos? In: R. A. Keller P. Bases metodológicas del uso de grupo externo en los análisis cladísticos. Tesis de Licenciatura. Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, México. pp. 11-36. Pesos 25. Wheeler, Q.D. 1986. Character weighting and cladistic analysis. Syst. Zool. 35: 102-109. 26. Neff, N. A. 1986. A rational basis for a priori character weighting. Syst. Zool. 35: 110-123. 27. Kitching, I.J., P.L. Forey, C.J. Humphries and D.M. Williams. 1998. Measures of character fit and character weighting. In: Cladistics. The Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York. pp. 92-117. 28. Steel, M. and D. Penny. 2000. Parsimony, Likelihood, and the Role of Models in Molecular Phylogenetics. Mol.Biol.Evol. 17: 839-850. 29. Lewis, P.O. 2001. Phylogenetic systematics turns over a new leaf. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 16: 30-37. 30. Posada D. 2003. Selecting models of evolution. In: Vandemme AM and Salemi M (eds.). The Phylogenetic Handbook. Cambridge University Press.
Sección 3: Análisis cladísticos Linajes 31. Sober, E. 1992. Monophyly. In: E. F. Keller and E. A. Lloyd (eds.). Keywords in Evolutionary Biology. Harvard University Press, pp. 202-207. 32. Walsh, S.L. 1998. The History and semantics of the "Monophyly Debate". Evolutionary Theory 11: 307-323. 33. Abbot, L.A., F.A. Bisby and D.J Rogers. 1985. Phenetic Classification. In: L. A. Abbot, Bisby, F.A. & Rogers, D.J (eds.). Taxonomic Analysis in Biology. Columbia University Press, pp. 144-187. 34. Sokal, R. R. and J. H. Camin. 1965. The two taxonomies: areas of agreement and conflict. Syst. Zool 14: 176-195. 35. Mayr, E. 1982. The growth of biological thought. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 221-235 pp. Construcción de hipótesis filogenéticas 36. Soltis, P. and D. Soltis. 1996. Phylogenetic Analysis of Large Molecular Data Sets. Bol. Soc. Bot. México 59: 99-113. 37. Nixon, K.C. 1999. The Parsimony Ratchet, a new method for rapid parsimony analysis. Cladistics 15: 407-414. 38. Kitching, I.J., P.L. Forey, C.J. Humphries and D.M. Williams. 1998. Cladogram construction, character polarity and rooting. In: Cladistics. The Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York. pp. 38-49. 39. Holder, M and P. O. Lewis. 2003. Phylogeny estimation: traditional and Bayesian approaches. Nature 4: 275-284. Evaluación de hipótesis filogenéticas 40. Sanderson, M.J. and M.J. Donoghue. 1989. Patterns of Variation in Levels of Homoplasy. Evolution 43: 1871-1795. 41. Kallersjo, M, V. Albert and J. Farris. 1999. Homoplasy increases phylogenetic structure. Cladistics 15: 91-97. 42. Bremer, K. 1994. Branch Support and tree stability. Cladistics 10: 295-304. 43. Felsenstein, J. 1985. Confidence Limits on Phylogenies: an approach using the bootstrap. Evolution 39: 783-791. 44. Kitching, I.J., P.L. Forey, C.J. Humphries and D.M. Williams. 1998. Support and confidence statistics for cladograms and groups. In: Cladistics. The Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis. Oxford University Press, New York. pp. 118-138. 45. de Queiroz, A. 1995. Separate versus combined analysis of phylogenetic evidence. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 26: 657-681. 46. Hillis, D.M. 1998. Taxonomic Sampling, Phylogenetic Accuracy, and Investigator Bias. Syst. Biol. 47: 3-8. 47. Graybeal, A. 1998. Is It Better to Add Taxa or Characters to a Difficult Phylogenetic Problem? Syst. Biol. 47: 9-17. 48. Barrett, M., M.J. Donoghue and E. Sober. 1991. Against Consensus. Syst. Zool. 40: 486-493. 49. Eernisse, D.J. and A.G. Kluge. 1993. Taxonomic Congruence versus Total Evidence, and Amniote Phylogeny Inferred from Fossils, Molecules, and Morphology. Mol.Biol.Evol. 16: 1170-1195. 50. Alfaro, M. E., S. Zoller and F. Lutzoni. 2003. Bayes or Bootstrap? A Simulation Study Comparing the Performance of Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling and Bootstraping in Assessing Phylogenetic Phylogenetic Confidence. Mol. Biol. Evol. 20(2): 255-266. Concepto de Especie y clasificación 51. Mishler, B.D. 1987. Individuality, Pluralism, and the Phylogenetic Species Concept. Biology and Philosophy 2: 397-414. 52. Mishler, B.D. and E. De Luna. 1997. Sistemática filogenética y el concepto de especie. Biol. Soc. Bot. México 60: 45-57. (3571 kb) 53. Cracraft, J. 2000. Species Concepts in Theoretical and Applied Biology: a systematic debate with consequences. In: Q. D. M. Wheeler, R. (ed.). Species Concepts and Phylogenetic Theory. Columbia University Press, New York. pp. 3-14. 54. Christoffersen, M.L. 1995. Cladistic Taxonomy, Phylogenetic Systematics, and Evolutionary Ranking. Syst. Biol. 44: 440-454. 55. Keller, R. A., R.N. Boyd and Q. D. Wheeler. 2003. The illogical basis of phylogenetic nomenclature. The Botanical Review 69(1): 93-110. 56. Moore, G. 1998. A comparison of traditional and phylogenetic nomenclature. Taxon 47: 561-579.
Sección 4: Síntesis general Impacto 57. Wanntorp, H. E., D.R. Brooks, T. Nilsson, S. Nylin, F. Ronquist, S.C. Stearns and N. Wedell. 1990. Phylogenetic approaches in ecology. Oikos 57: 119-132. 58. Morrone, J.J. and J.C. Crisci. 1995. Historical Biogeography: Introduction to Methods. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 26: 373-401. 59. Cracraft, J. The seven great questions of Systematic Biology: an essential foundation for conservation and the sustainable use of biodiversity. Ann. Mis. Bot Garden 89(2): 127-144. Problemas persistentes 60. Mishler, B.D. 1994. Cladistic Analysis of Molecular and Morphological Data. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 94: 143-156. 61. Goloboff, P. A. 2003. Parsimony, likelihood, and simplicity. Cladistics 19: 91-103. 62. Kluge, A.G. 1997. Testability and the Refutation and Corroboration of Cladistic Hypothesis. Cladistics 13: 81-96. 63. Kluge, A.G. and A.J. Wolf. 1993. Cladistics: what´s in a word. Cladistics 9: 183-199. 64. de Pinna, M.C. 1996. Comparative Biology and Systematics: Some controversies in retrospective. J. Comp. Biol. 1: 3-16. |