Efrain De Luna, web page
Biodiversidad y Sistemática, INECOL. Xalapa. México
Hedwigia Pseudobraunia |
Braunia attenuata (Mitt.) Jaeg., Ber. Thatigk. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 1869–70: 172. 1871. (Gen. Sp. Musc. 1: 88). Hedwigia attenuata Mitt., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot., Suppl. 1: 123. 1859. Type: INDIA. West Himalayas, Kumaon, alt. 10,500 ft., Strachey & Winterbottom s.n. (NY!, holotype; BM!, S!, isotypes). Braunia delavayi Besch., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., ser. 7, 15: 71. 1892. Type: CHINA. Yunnan, sur le tronc des vieux arbres, bois de Koua-la-po (Hokin), a` 3,000 me`tres d’altitude, 4 aouˆt 1885, Delavay n° 1645 (BM!, holotype; H!, NY!, P, S!, isotypes). |
Description. Plants slender, mats lax; stems with sympodial branching; branches slender, pointed, attenuate; flagelliform branches present; pseudoparaphyllia foliose. Leaves spreading to erect squarrose, weakly plicate, slightly flat to concave, margins recurved, up to acumen, leaf base high with widest point of leaf in lower half, narrowly lanceolate, 2.2–2.7 µm long, acuminate, marginal cells entire to papillosely crenulate at acumen, apex flat, concolorous; apical leaf cells elliptic, 25–35 µm long, with few low papillae; upper and median cells 15–23 µm long-elliptic, walls nodulose, papillae low, on side walls. Autoicous. Archegonia on medial portion of long vaginula; perichaetial leaves 3.0–3.5 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, long acuminate; perichaetial paraphyses longer than archegonia, immersed. Setae 7–15 mm long; capsule neck shortly attenuate to scarcely differentiated, urns 2.3–2.9 mm, broadly ellipsoidal, mouth broad, nearly as wide as capsules, capsule walls wrinkled, exothecial cells polygonal; opercula low conic, long rostrate. Calyptrae cucullate, large. Spores multicellular, 30–40 µm in diameter.
Habitat. On trees; elevation 2,400–2,500 m. Distribution. India, China. Illustrations. He & De Luna (2004, Fig. 1-17). Selected specimens examined. INDIA. Nilgiri-Berge, am Dodabetta, Oberhalb, M. Fleischer B3088 [B, MO, as Braunia secunda (Hook.) Bruch & Schimp.] CHINA. YUNNAN. Delavay 1641 (BM, H), Delavay s.n., 1885 (BM), Delavay s.n.,1888 (BM), Delavay s.n., 9 April 1889 (NY); Yangbi Co., 25° 50´ N, 99° 59´ E, Redfearn, He & Su 958, 967 (HKAS, MO, PE), 25°46´ N, 100° 01´ E, Redfearn, He & Su 718 (HKAS, MO, PE).
| B. attenuata (Figs. 18-26) from He & De Luna (2004)
B. delavayii (Figs. 9-17) from He & De Luna (2004) |
He, S. & E. De Luna. 2004. The Genus Braunia (Bryopsida, Hedwigiaceae) in China. The Bryologist 107: 373–376. PDF